David Terner

David Terner

PhD Candidate

Indiana University


Economics PhD candidate at Indiana University. Research focus on international trade, transport economics, and applied microeconomics. World Bank and private sector shipping consultancy experience. National Science Foundation (NSF) Complex Networks and Systems Affiliate.

Download my CV.

  • International Trade
  • Maritime Freight
  • Network Economics
  • Applied Microeconomics
  • PhD in Economics and Complex Systems/Network Science, 2023 (Expected)

    Indiana University

  • MA in Economics, 2018

    Indiana University

  • BA Economics/BA Mathematics, 2017

    SUNY Geneseo

  • General Course, 2016

    London School of Economics

Professional Experience

Summer Associate
May 2020 – Sep 2020 Boston, Massachusetts

Responsibilities included:

  • Executed independent project to refine forecasting models for spot earnings, time charter rates,and vessel valuations by integrating analysis of macroeconomic market fundamentals within an adaptive, statistical learning, time series-regression modeling framework.

  • Delivered internal presentations to President and senior leaders of project results and forecasting quality review:

    -Evaluated forecast performance against industry benchmarks.

    -Proposed areas of future modeling innovations with implementation details.

    -Utilized interactive (HTML based) visualizations of key results.

  • Created technical documentation and sophisticated training resources for internal analysts.

Research Associate
Jun 2017 – Aug 2017 Rochester, New York

Responsibilities included:

  • Provided socioeconomic/ fiscal impact analyses and visualizations for Chautauqua County’s Municipal Consolidation and Efficiency Competition (MCEC) application through use of county tax, property values, and US Census data.
  • Performed comparative analyses of municipal lead-paint policy implementation, enforcement, and outcomes
  • Facilitated technical support for InformANALYTICS, a cost-benefit analysis tool for industrial development agencies.


Class of 2017 Best Third Year Paper Award
Best third year paper for Off course? Knot anymore. Cost Efficiencies and the Panama Canal Expansion.
Tobias Center Faculty Research Support Fund
Competitively awarded funding for Containing Carbon in Container Shipping
W. Phillip Saunders Award: Best introductory economics graduate instructor
The Phillip Saunders Award is given to the best introductory economics associate instructor inthe department. It is named in honor of Professor Saunders who served as the faculty coordinator of ourlarge, multi-section introductory courses from 1971 to 1998, except for the four years he served as department chair. This award goes to the best introductory economics associate instructor in the department. In addition to the strong performance their students have demonstrated on departmental finals, their students routinely comment on the strength of their teaching abilities and the valuable experiences they have had in their classroom.
Complex Networks and Systems National Science Foundation (NSF) Research Traineeship
Summer research support to study Port Efficiency and Competition in Network Models of International Trade.
Phi Beta Kappa
